PODCAST No.24 Artist in Residence Program I Helena Hernandez at Urban Art Kids

Welcome back to the Urban Art Kids podcast 2021 in English. In this episode, we talk to Mexican artist Helena Hernandez about her participation in the Artist in Residence program at Urban Art Kids. Helena has been part of the Urban Art Kids teaching team for more than a year and regularly teaches courses with us.
In December 2020, she stayed in the gallery to work on a beautiful embroidery project that has to do with her childhood. She is the first artist to participate in this AiR program.
In this episode, we talk about how she felt like a child again and had more contact with her family because of the pandemic situation. How all her memories turned into pieces of embroidery, like a girl wearing a fish hat.
Helena also explains why she felt like a tourist in Charlottenburg, as she usually works and lives in Neukölln. The artist’s love and hatred relationship with Neukölln and her hometown of Mexico City. Helena transforms the roughness of the Neukölln neighborhood, where she lives, into her work.
Helena has started a daily embroidery project, which she wants to continue all year round. See Instagram of Helena.
We talked to her about how the pandemic situation affected her life.
She balanced things that kept her busy and information with other things that made her happy. For example, she started baking and growing plants.
Have fun to listen to! And of course as always, if you like it please rate us, write comments and share our podcast!
PODCAST No.23 Oso, Watercolor & Crowdfunding I Lujon Cordaro at Urban Art Kids

In the current English podcast, the Argentinian artist Luján Cordaro presents her latest book project “Oso”.
In the spring, Lu returned to Berlin shortly before the lockdown after a 9-month sabbatical and recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on the Platform Kickstarter to fund the book project.
The book is about a little bear who comes to a new place and tries to adapt and make new friends, among other things. This also reflects the story of Luján, who moved from Argentina to Germany several years ago.
In conversation, Lu tells us what little “Oso” is experiencing and how to create your own home through new friends.
In addition, Lu supports artists from Latin America who are new to Berlin with a regular meeting (currently only online). She also regularly teaches watercolour courses for children and adults at Urban Art Kids.
Have fun to listen to! And of course as always, if you like it please rate us, write comments and share our podcast!
PODCAST No.22 Digital Photography as Art I Erkan Dörtoluk at Urban Art Kids

After the summer break we welcome you back to the Urban Art Kids Podcast. In the current podcast we talk to Erkan Dörtoluk, who lives and works as a freelance photographer, social media producer and writer in Düsseldorf.
Erkan is best known for his Twitter account “Rheinbahn intimate“. There he posts weekly scraps of conversations, which he listens to on public transport. In 2016, a book was published by Piper Verlag.
During an exhibition by French photographer Guy Bourdin at the NRW Forum in 2005, he discovered his passion for photography. After a short time, he was approached by numerous customers from the automotive industry, the publishing house and also by the Kunstsammlung NRW whether they were allowed to use his photos. In 2007, Erkan completed his training as one of the first IHK certified “social media managers” in Germany. From the very beginning, he accompanied digital photography and its preparation on social media. In our conversation, he reveals to us, among other things, what makes a good picture for him.
On September 5, Erkan will be a guest of Urban Art Kids. In the basic course of photography with his smartphone, he will explain image composition and image editing to children from the age of 10. We are very excited!
Have fun to listen to! And of course as always, if you like it please rate us, write comments and share our podcast!
PODCAST No.21 Illustration, Ice and Identity I Larissa Bertonasco at Urban Art Kids

Welcome to our conversation with Larissa Bertonasco, illustrator and artist. We talk to her about the time of the lockdown and the many plans and ideas that have developed from it. Be curious about the stories about the ongoing social projects in support of the artist colleagues and the outlook on your future works and the activities of the “Fritzen” in Hamburg.
Thanks again to Larissa for accompanying “Urban Art Kids” from the beginning and finding the time for this exciting conversation …
“How have you been in the lockdown for the last few months?”
“Directly from the ski holiday into quarantine?”
“Working, at home, in the studio, isolated from colleagues and the outside world?”
“Support for social projects? What is the “Westayathome” action?
We also talk about your work “Voices from Exile” at the Thalia Theater, which deals intensively with the topic of identity.
Larissa is known above all for her wonderfully illustrated and with much love explained cookbooks (among others La nonna La cucina La vita). She is currently working on an ice book with her Italian uncle. He successfully runs the ice cream parlour “Massimo Iysfabriek” in Amsterdam. “Ice connects us all and makes us happy,” larissa says. During the lockdown, this was a small highlight for her family to go to the ice cream parlour once a day.
Have fun to listen to! And of course as always, if you like it please rate us, write comments and share our podcast!
PODCAST No.19 Lecturer, Home Schooling & Artist in the Times of Corona I Ciao Coyote at Urban Art Kids

In recent weeks, Alisa Margolis has come to know different facets of the lockdown. Among other things, she works as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences International Berlin and teaches design basics there. She faced the challenge of moving analogue art lessons into the digital space. Art comes into play in this digital experience. She also looks after her 8-year-old son in home schooling. There is often not much time left for creative phases in your own studio. However, she and her son discovered the virtual tours of museums such as the British Museum. She also finds that since the lockdown there is a wider range of online art courses. But the founder of the label Ciao Coyote also sees her mission strengthened to bring art into the children’s room. To this end, she works intensively with her son. Will there be new motifs by Ciao Coyote soon? Let me see! We are looking forward to the creative outcome!
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PODCAST No.18 Rethinking Art by Corona I Anna Cheese at Urban Art Kids

The artist Anna Käse greatly appreciated the direct contact with her customers/buyers at art fairs and of course finds it a pity that these do not take place at the moment because of the lockdown. For many years Anna has specialized in the gravure printing technique of etching and delights not only children, but also adults with her colourful motifs and stories such as the Butterfly (An elephant who absolutely wants to fly). She tells us in this podcast what special projects she is currently dedicating herself and when we will hopefully see her again in Berlin.
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PODCAST No.17 Illustration & Art in the Times of Corona I Lujan Cordaro at Urban Art Kids

When the Argentinian illustrator Lujon Cordaro and her husband returned from a 9-month sabbatical in Canada & South America in March, they immediately went into quarantine. Why she didn’t find this so bad and what the current lockdown has opened up for new ways of working, she tells us in the current podcast. In addition, she had planned to present her current children’s book project to publishers at the well-known Bologna Children’s Book Fair. This is now ready, but will probably take a while before it is published. Otherwise, you can participate in Lu’s Watercolor Workshop every Thursday.
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