Kids Club #3 - Jellyfish in the glass
At the 3rd part of the Urban Art Kids Club – the club against boredom at home we design medusen together from recycled material. Have fun!

What kind of material you need:
- A thin plastic bag
- Sewing thread
- Scissors
- Felt pens (Optional)
- Empty mason jar
- Food colour or blue ink
- Water
- Cut out a square from the plastic bag, about 20 x 20 cm
- As in the picture, hold the plastic bag between the fingers and fill it with water until a round shape (head of the jellyfish) emerges.
- Rotate the round shape so that it closes and knot staphes it with thread.
- Cut the rest of the plastic into fine strips (tentacles).
- Fill the glass with water, but not to the very top.
- Put a few droplets of food color in.
- Close the glass and shake vigorously.
- Clean the jellyfish, add water (completely) and close the glass.
- Turn the glass over and watch your jellyfish while swimming. In the dark it is especially nice to illuminate the glass with a lamp!
Send us your creative Medusa until May 30th and win an Urban Art Kids gym bag. You can send us your picture via WhatsApp to the phone number 0173 2034030 or by e-mail to
We are happy to share your sea creatures on our Instagram profile.